seo strategy

Six SEO Strategies To Rank Your Site/Blog Quickly On Google

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Understanding the value and strategies of SEO will help you improve, measure the performance and increase the ranking of your site. It takes more than creating content, building links, inserting keywords on pages to improve your website organic rankings and brand visibility. In this post we have highlighted all you need to keep track of your optimization process and emerging trends.


Create A Sitemap:

A site map is a HTML document that list all your website pages in a hierarchical order specifying their priority and update frequency to help search engines understand your site and crawls it easily. You can use free online site map generator to create your site map. Here is the link (

Submit Your Sitemap:

Sitemap gives your site information to search engines. Submitting your URL(s) directly to search engines ensures that their spiders crawl your site at the earliest time possible. Use the sitemap to submit to specific search engines and directories. Also check if there are issues with your existing submissions and correct any submission issues.

Analyzing Your Content:

Analyzing your content is one of the key content marketing metrics that defines and measure your content goals to improve your content strategy. No matter how you know your target audience, there is always room to improve your content by ensuring that your on-page keywords accurately reflect searchers intent. Analyze and track how your content is effectively communicating the goals and objectives of your business.

Generate Keywords:

Keyword is a term or ideas that defines what your content is about and how your site advertises it’s content to search engines, ensuring the search engines properly match your site to search terms when a user perform a search on the browser.

TAG Optimization:

Tag optimization highlights the most important elements of your web page content by providing more details about your site to search engines and visitors searching for relevant information on search engines result page. Search engines uses tags to evaluate the relevance of your site to users queries before ranking it. Tags help organize your contents for search engines and readers to know exactly what information is contained on the page.

Control Crawling:
You can determine what pages on your website for search engines to crawl by creating a robots.txt file, upload it into the root directories of your hosting account. The robots.txt specify what you do or do not want search engines spiders to see on your site. You can specify:

Allow All : This feature allows all your web pages to be crawled by search engines.

Block Specific Pages: Only block some pages you do not want search engines to see by adding the robots.txt file.

Block All: This is not recommended as it blocks the entire site from search engines.

For consultation on how to improve your ranking, leave us a message . More resources visit our YouTube Channel: Otaliems Academy

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