Category: SEO

  • How to Optimize Your Website for SEO (step-by-step)

    Set Up Your Website for SEO Optimizing your website is the key to getting traffic and visibility on Google and it is a long process and complicated one. It starts with keyword research, continues with content optimization, and ends with link building. This article will be focusing on the first two points: keyword research and…

  • Three Click-based Engagement Metrics For SEO

    Three Click-based Engagement Metrics For SEO

    Are you a business owner or marketing manager concerned about the SEO rankings for your website? Are you left scratching your head at what Google tracks to determine their rankings? Google’s algorithm looks at over 200 factors when deciding which sites to rank for which queries. So, if you’re ready to move past keywords and up your…

  • Building a High-Performing Conversion Funnel For Business

    Building a High-Performing Conversion Funnel For Business

    A conversion funnel represents the customer journey from when they first land on a website to when they actually make their purchase. It is important to optimize this journey. Each level of the funnel has a specific purpose that is matched to the needs of the customer. The key to building a high-performance funnel for business is…

  • Small Business SEO Guide: What Keywords Should You Target?

    Small Business SEO Guide: What Keywords Should You Target?

    Afraid to start your small business SEO efforts? With over 30 million small business owners in the U.S. alone, competition seems impossible. The sheer variety of enterprises with websites can hamper your marketing strategies. However, a good way to have the edge over them is to target the right SEO keywords. If you have no technical…

  • What’s Your Core Score? A Guide to Improving Google Core Web Vitals

    What’s Your Core Score? A Guide to Improving Google Core Web Vitals

    Businesses can no longer compete on the digital front without a good website and strong search results. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 played a huge role in the sudden shift to digital storefronts and eCommerce shopping. It’s because of this shift that businesses must adapt their websites to be better than ever. The latest changes from…

  • How to Launch Your First SEO Campaign (And Get Results)

    How to Launch Your First SEO Campaign (And Get Results)

    Do you want to launch your first SEO campaign? Search engine optimization (SEO) helps companies get their online platforms noticed by potential customers. Successful SEO campaigns result in more people finding your website and purchasing your services or products. It can even grow your customer base and give you more people on your email list.…

  • Local SEO: What Small Business Owners Need to Know

    Local SEO: What Small Business Owners Need to Know

    About 97% of search engine users are looking for local businesses. Meanwhile, over 70% of consumers who search for local businesses visit a store within five miles of their location. Another 78% of searches result in in-store purchases. Do you want to boost business this year? With local search engine optimization (SEO), you can reach customers online and…

  • How to Decrease Bounce Rate: Your Guide

    How to Decrease Bounce Rate: Your Guide

    Have you ever dropped, say, a chip on the floor and one of your friends quickly said, “Five-second rule!” They meant for you to eat the chip rather than toss it. For the sake of this scenario, you heartily agreed with your friend, picked the chip up off the ground, blew on it for good measure,…

  • 10 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

    10 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

    83% of businesses believe that their digital marketing efforts have been useful. Small businesses are now investing in digital marketing than ever. The digital shift has been fueled by multiple factors, including the pandemic shutdowns which have increased online shopping reliance. If you run a small business or intend to start one, you should familiarize…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to SEO Blogging

    A Beginner’s Guide to SEO Blogging

    As of 2021, there are well over 600 million blogs worldwide. That number is growing rapidly, with numerous new blogs created every year. So, what does this mean for today’s blog owners? It means that competition for online visibility will only get tougher. With an astounding 2 million blog posts published daily, it’ll take something…

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